About Me

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I am a grad student at George Mason University in VA. I am a GIS Spatial Analyst for Fairfax County Government.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Walters Museum: Map Exhibit

Two weekends ago I went on a Sat. to the Walter's Museum with GMU's Geography Department. The above photo is a really large tile mosaic. No photos were allowed inside the exhibit so I took this one, which was just outside the exhibit. I really enjoyed the FREE map exhibit. One quote on the wall that puts the whole exhibit into words went like this:

"There only is one planet Earth, but this room [speaking of the exhibit] makes plain how many ways there are to look at it. In mapping the world, each culture has its own center, its own idea of what is up, and its own conception of what is important."

Krystal Workman's Map Portfolio

For this assignment we learned how to use the motion tween and the Flash camera to pan over or zoom in/out of a picture. I decided to create a "map portfolio" highlighting my best work from my current job at the Dept. of Housing. The zooming might make someone sick after a while but it had to be done for the assignment and I couldn't think of any other use for the camera in another map document.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

UPDATED: Kite Mosaic

This is the latest version of the Kite Mosaic. I learned how to create a loading bar and incorporate multiple scenes from the "main menu" page.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Panning & Zooming

In this assignment I learned how to pan and zoom. I downloaded a large, very interesting image from to use in my Flash application. Click on the above patient, it is a large file and might take some time to load.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Splash Screens, Hyperlinks & Rollovers

I have been working on the same German Invasion of Russia map (Operation Barbarossa) this week. I tried to post it on Monday and Tuesday but found out today the problem...Google Page Creator is the application I am using to post my Flash documents. They apparently are not compatible with Safari any more. I finally tried using Firefox today and it worked.

Since it is technically the same map as my last post, just changed a bit...I am not attaching another .jpg. Please click HERE to view the updated map.