About Me

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I am a grad student at George Mason University in VA. I am a GIS Spatial Analyst for Fairfax County Government.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Final Project

My final project was developed for the Fairfax County Rental Program and Public Housing on-line application. This will be embeded into the on-line application so text was kept to a minimum. The colors I used appear somewhat different than what I had anticipated. I SPENT A LOT OF TIME ON THIS ASSIGNMENT...but I got paid for it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Walters Museum: Map Exhibit

Two weekends ago I went on a Sat. to the Walter's Museum with GMU's Geography Department. The above photo is a really large tile mosaic. No photos were allowed inside the exhibit so I took this one, which was just outside the exhibit. I really enjoyed the FREE map exhibit. One quote on the wall that puts the whole exhibit into words went like this:

"There only is one planet Earth, but this room [speaking of the exhibit] makes plain how many ways there are to look at it. In mapping the world, each culture has its own center, its own idea of what is up, and its own conception of what is important."

Krystal Workman's Map Portfolio

For this assignment we learned how to use the motion tween and the Flash camera to pan over or zoom in/out of a picture. I decided to create a "map portfolio" highlighting my best work from my current job at the Dept. of Housing. The zooming might make someone sick after a while but it had to be done for the assignment and I couldn't think of any other use for the camera in another map document.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

UPDATED: Kite Mosaic

This is the latest version of the Kite Mosaic. I learned how to create a loading bar and incorporate multiple scenes from the "main menu" page.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Panning & Zooming

In this assignment I learned how to pan and zoom. I downloaded a large, very interesting image from to use in my Flash application. Click on the above patient, it is a large file and might take some time to load.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Splash Screens, Hyperlinks & Rollovers

I have been working on the same German Invasion of Russia map (Operation Barbarossa) this week. I tried to post it on Monday and Tuesday but found out today the problem...Google Page Creator is the application I am using to post my Flash documents. They apparently are not compatible with Safari any more. I finally tried using Firefox today and it worked.

Since it is technically the same map as my last post, just changed a bit...I am not attaching another .jpg. Please click HERE to view the updated map.

Monday, March 17, 2008

German Invasion of Russia Map

This is a map I created in Flash of Operation Barbosa: the German invasion of Russia in 1941. It is NOT an exact depiction of the event but the purpose is to demonstrate my ability to use Motion Guides in Flash.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Democratic Election Map

This is a democratic election map depicting electoral wins. I am learning how to use checkboxes and transparencies in Flash. I stayed away from the animations this time...mainly because I didn't have time :)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Flash Earth

Flash Earth was created by Google. It consists of several satellite and aerial photos. The interface is really easy to use. I zoomed into Greenland. The above photo depicts a Greenland glacier emptying into the ocean. The resolution and load time is great.

Check it out:

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Super Bowl XLII Flash Map

I have been learning a little about Flash at GMU. I am really enjoying it...probably a little too much since I stayed up late last night having fun making animated symbols. They are so cool but if you are not careful, they can be really obnoxious. Hopefully I haven't annoyed anyone!

Click the image to view the Flash File.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Purchase a Flash Map for only $399!

I did a search on Google for "Flash Maps" and I found a company who markets maps enhanced with Adobe FLash. For $399 you could have a map like this one! If I get good enough at this in my Map Design class, I could be making the big bucks too!
Check out this site:

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Flash Lab 1

Here is a map I created in Flash. It was quite difficult and time comsuming to color all the states (especially Alaska!), adjust line size, and add all the extra elements. I usually work in ArcMap, Illustrator, and Photoshop so this is a whole new ball park for me. It was fun and I look forward to animating my maps.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Political Maps-Afgahan in Crisis

My first assignment for my Map Design class is to find a political map and display it here. The assignment was not specific in what type of map, what map elements it must include, or even who produced the my mind turned to my all-time favorite mapping company, National Geographic. They not only produce high-quality aesthetically pleasing static maps but they have become very skilled at utilizing the web with interactive maps. I attached an image of the static map but click here to be directed to the interactive map.

The interactive map of Afghanitstan displays dramatic satellite imagery; locations of ethnic minorities; locations of drought, vegetation and earthquakes; and locations of refugees from war and famine. The message from this map clearly relates to its audience that Afghanistan truly is in a state of crisis.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Check out my Links List

I have to give credit to myself so please check out my website I haven't posted anything in a while but I am using it as my portfolio when I apply for GIS jobs. I initially made this in February 2007 when I applied for my current GIS job at the Dept. of Housing & Community Development for Fairfax County. I haven't changed my out-of-date welcome page. But please check out my MAPS link. These maps were made while I was an undergrad at BYU.

Since I work for Fairfax County, I use county data everyday. For those who would like to use county data but do not have direct access, you can use demographic, crime, and parks data on My Neighborhood. "MyNeighborhood is an Internet mapping and information reporting application. It lets you know what features and county facilities are available in and around your neighborhood. "

While at work a co-worker told me about DataPlace. I would recommend this to any non-GIS user who is eager to do some geographic data analysis but lack the software or GIS skills.
"DataPlace aims to be your one-stop source for housing and demographic data about your community, your region, and the nation. The site not only assembles a variety of data sets from multiple sources, but it also provides tools and guides to assist you in analyzing, interpreting, and applying the data so you can make more informed decisions. "

Welcome to Workman Projects

Welcome. My name is Krystal Workman, founder and CEO of Workman Projects. My site is dedicated to fulfilling mankind's hunger for graphically pleasing, sanely inspiring maps. Over the next few months, I will be devoting sleepless nights to investigating possible solutions to satisfy your mapping needs. In short, this blogspot will not only solve world hunger and house the homeless, but it will bring tears to your eyes as you witness miraculous changes in me as I become more graphically aware of the fact I am not the only "mapping guru" out there.